Don Savage Obituary: 106 years old, beloved husband of the late Theresa, nee Hofbauer, longtime resi

Don Savage Obituary: Don Savage, the oldest and most devoted Chicago Bears season ticket holder, passed away at the age of 106. His unwavering loyalty to the team spanned over seven decades, with his daughter recalling that he had held season tickets since 1947. Mr. Savage’s dedication to the Bears went beyond watching games on TV; he had to be in the crowd, living and breathing the sport. His commitment was so legendary that the team chairman himself acknowledged it, expressing gratitude for his allegiance. But Mr. Savage’s devotion extended beyond football, as he also had an impressive career, was a member of the Chicago 16-inch Softball Hall of Fame, and had a memorable experience attending the infamous Fog Bowl with his daughter. Discover the remarkable life of this extraordinary Bears fan. Let’s find out more here:

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Don Savage: A Devoted Chicago Bears Fan

Don Savage, a passionate supporter of the Chicago Bears and a loving family man, left an indelible mark on the team and those who knew him. At the remarkable age of 106, Mr. Savage held the distinction of being one of the oldest and most dedicated Bears season ticket holders. His unwavering commitment to the team was evident throughout his life, and his presence in the stands will be sorely missed.

Longest-Tenured Season Ticket Holder

For an astonishing 74 years, Don Savage proudly held season tickets to the Chicago Bears. Since 1947, he faithfully attended countless games, regardless of the challenges he faced. His unwavering dedication was not simply about watching the game; it was about immersing himself in the electric atmosphere of the crowd. Mr. Savage’s love for sports extended beyond the Bears, but it was his unwavering loyalty to the team that truly defined him.

Legendary Loyalty to the Bears

Don Savage’s unwavering loyalty to the Chicago Bears was legendary. His commitment to the team was recognized and appreciated by George H. McCaskey, the team chairman, who acknowledged Mr. Savage as one of the longest-tenured season ticket holders in Bears history. The team is grateful for his unwavering allegiance and mourns his passing. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family during this difficult time.

Life Beyond the Bears

While Don Savage’s unwavering devotion to the Chicago Bears was well-known, his life extended far beyond the football field. He was a man of many passions, accomplishments, and cherished relationships. Let’s take a closer look at the remarkable life he led.

Devotion to Family and Wife

Don Savage’s love for the Bears was only rivaled by his love for his family. He was a devoted husband to his wife, Theresa, for an incredible 72 years until her passing in 2015. Their enduring love and partnership were a testament to the strength of their bond. In addition to being a loving husband, Don was a dedicated father to his daughter, Ginny. From an early age, he shared his passion for the Bears with her, creating cherished memories that would last a lifetime.

Successful Career and Softball Achievements

Don Savage’s commitment and determination were not limited to his support of the Bears. He enjoyed a successful career spanning nearly six decades at Gateway Building Products, starting from humble beginnings in the mailroom and rising to the position of vice president. His hard work, dedication, and leadership were instrumental in the company’s growth and success.

Outside of his professional life, Don found great joy and success in the world of softball. He was a proud member of the Chicago 16-inch Softball Hall of Fame, having played the sport for an astounding 78 years. Throughout his softball career, he earned an impressive 40 titles and was involved in numerous senior leagues in the Chicago area. One particular anecdote that showcases his unwavering commitment to the game was when he played with a cast on his right wrist to help his team secure a championship victory.

Don Savage’s life was a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and love. His impact extended far beyond the football field, leaving a lasting legacy in the hearts of his family, friends, and the communities he touched.

Memorable Moments and Contributions

Don Savage’s life was filled with memorable moments and meaningful contributions that left a lasting impact on those around him. From his active involvement in the community to his shared love for the Bears with his daughter, and even a remarkable event known as the Fog Bowl, let’s explore some of the highlights of his extraordinary journey.

Active Community Involvement

Don Savage was not only a dedicated Bears fan but also a pillar of his community. For an impressive seven decades, he served as a head usher at Queen of All Saints Parish, embodying the spirit of service and compassion. His commitment to his community extended beyond his role at the church, as he actively participated in various community initiatives and events. Don’s selflessness and dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of others will always be remembered.

Shared Love for Bears with Daughter

One of the most cherished aspects of Don Savage’s life was his shared love for the Bears with his daughter, Ginny. From an early age, he instilled in her a passion for the team, creating a bond that would endure throughout their lives. Together, they attended numerous games, creating memories that would be treasured forever. Their shared enthusiasm for the Bears not only strengthened their relationship but also served as a source of inspiration for others, highlighting the power of familial connections and shared passions.

The Fog Bowl: A Memorable Event

Among the many unforgettable moments in Don Savage’s life as a Bears fan, one event stands out: the Fog Bowl. On December 31, 1988, Soldier Field was engulfed in a thick fog during the Bears’ NFC Divisional Playoff game against the Philadelphia Eagles. This unexpected turn of events created an atmosphere of mystery and excitement. Despite the limited visibility, the Bears emerged victorious with a score of 20-12. The Fog Bowl became a legendary game, forever etched in the memories of those who witnessed it, including Don and his daughter Ginny. It symbolized the resilience and determination of the Bears and served as a testament to the unwavering support of their loyal fans.

Don Savage, a devoted Chicago Bears fan and one of the team’s oldest season ticket holders, passed away at the age of 106. Savage had held season tickets since 1947 and was known for his unwavering loyalty to the Bears. He cherished being in the crowd and lived and breathed sports, with a particular passion for the Bears. The team chairman, George H. McCaskey, expressed gratitude for Savage’s allegiance and extended condolences to his family. Savage’s dedication extended beyond football, as he spent nearly 60 years working for Gateway Building Products and was a member of the Chicago 16-inch Softball Hall of Fame. He will be remembered for his love of sports and his lasting impact on the Bears community.
